Thursday, October 7, 2010

Service in September continued. . .

So I totally planned on blogging every time I did a little project for my service in September, but it didn't really work out that way. So I am catching up on my blogging for my little projects.
Here's what I did . . .

I went through my closet and got rid of a ton of mine and my husbands clothes and donated them.

We bought a couple dozen Krispie Kreams and a gallon of milk and gave them to the nearest fire department. I love firefighters I have such a respect for them. They risk their lives to save ours.

There is this couple in my ward and her husband just got called into the bishopric and so they have very little time together now. They have this adorable newborn baby too, Noah. I took him for a good part of the morning so that they could go to the temple.

One of my good friends from work, Julie, got a flat tire while we were at work so I helped her change it .

We gave some ice cold Gatorade to the construction workers that are working on the road by my house. After it's finished my commute will be quite a bit faster. Yay!

I made about 30 little hair accessories and a bought a bunch of little toys to give to Andrea's Closet . After kids go through an extensive surgery they get to go pick out a toy from the closet. They have them in a few different hospitals but we gave our donations to the one at Gilbert Mercy.

Right when I got out of high school I worked at Guthrie Mainstream it's a really awesome company who takes care of mentally disabled people. One of my very favorite clients was this guy named David. I love David and I think of him so much! The last time I saw him was at my wedding. When I took care of him we used to go to Barnes and Noble and I would help teach him how to read. So on my birthday the one person I wanted to go see was David. So Jesse and I showed up to Olive Garden where he works and I brought him a gift card to Barnes and Noble so he could pick out a few of his favorite books. It really made my day to see him!

We took my grandma to the Temple. She hadn't been in over two years because of health issues and I really felt like now would be a good time to help her have those experiences. It was kind of cool because I had the feeling that we should do sealings that day instead of a session, but I thought a session might be easier on grandma so we got ready to do a session and they told us that the elevator just broke. Since grandma is in a wheelchair it would have been very difficult to manage her. So we decided to do sealings instead. The spirit was so sweet and we had a lot of fun doing the sealings. When we had finished the elevator was working again. I guess I should have listened in the first place, there were some people that really wanted to get sealed together that day. Thanks Gimmie for going to the temple with me!

I remember when I was on my mission I had a few companions that never got any letters, any care packages, and not so much as an email from their families while they were out. It broke my heart but it also gave me strength to see their example and holding fast with such faith even though they didn't have a lot of support from home. So for one of my service projects I put together two care packages to send off to some of the sisters that haven't received many things from their families. I included a ton of little hand warmers ( they saved my life while I was over there) candies, brownies ( they envy our brownies), blueberry muffins ( they don't have blueberries over there) and a bunch of church stuff. I miss my mission extremely so I hope these sweet sisters enjoy a little treat.

I also took care of a couple little girls for the morning. Their mom is going through a terrible pregnancy and it's really hard on her health so I took her kids off her hands for a bit so she could rest.

I volunteered at a Paz de Cristo soup kitchen. It was a lot of fun! I got to use my Spanish a little, a learned how to make Italian dressing and I really enjoyed talking with the people. It was really easy too, you just call them to put your name on the roster and then just show up. They will have a job ready for you when you get there. I actually ran into a few people that I knew from my old ward that were volunteering too.

It was my sisters birthday on the 24th ( happy birthday sis!) and her husband Kris wanted to surprise her with a day out full of shopping, bowling and whatever else she wanted to do. So Jesse and I took a shift watching the kids.

Lastly I cut 14 inches off my hair!!! This was kind of a last minute thing. On my birthday we were supposed to go to the humanitarian service center located right by the temple. It's nice because they have a bunch of different projects that you can do and you can just show up and work. I asked Jesse to call ahead to make sure but he assured me that we could just show up. He did a report on it for school last year so he knew what he was talking about. Well. . . when we showed up it was closed. They are in the middle of switching locations :( So we had a couple of extra hours of open time so I called my sister Emily (who is an amazing beautician ever!) and asked her if I could come over so she could cut my hair. I was kinda nervous about it because last time I cut my hair short the people at the salon gave me a bowl cut ( not a time in my life I like to remember) Anyways but hair is hair and I figured it's okay, it will grow back. After Emily worked her magic I looked in the mirror and I LOVE it!!! Who knew that I would like my short hair more than my long hair! Emily cut 14 inches and I sent it in to Locks of Love.

This really was the best birthday ever. I had so much fun looking for opportunities to serve. Instead of getting presents for me I asked my family to go out and do service for others. My parents went to the soup kitchen and served for two days last month and my sister Alicia cut her hair too. She cut 12 inches and donated it to Locks of Love. My sweet husband also went with me and helped me with a lot of the services of last month. It was refreshing to see how easy it is to do little bits of service here and there. Anyways my birthday month was memorable and thanks to all those who helped me find opportunities to serve.