Saturday, October 8, 2011

2 Months

Sooo awhile ago on August 16th Calvin turned 2 months old.... yeah I know I'm a slacker.  I LOVE this kid! He is so much fun to hang out with! Before we had Calvin I thought that I would NEED a break from being a stay at home mom, from being around my kid all the time, or just to get away from everything for a bit. But really I absolutely LOVE being at home with Calvin, I think he's hilarious with his funny face expressions and it is amazing how fast he is leaving things. He is just starting to be able to put his hands to his mouth (he usually just hits himself in the face, but he is trying). This month he had a huge growth spurt and he's huge! He's 13 lbs he is in the 75% for height and weight. He is a healthy boy. He smiles a ton and Jesse even got a little giggle out of him. He is still sleeping in a bassinet in our room and I love seeing him first thing in the morning and he gives me a HUGE smile, it melts my heart! So here are some of my very favorite pictures so far.

  Jesse's sister Mirinda is uber talented and she knitted Calvin a little tiger and a tiger hat to stick with the Calvin and Hobbes theme of which he was named.
nom nom

Hobbes attack!!!!
  Soo cute! I love this little boy

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